Posted by: klikkarir | November 17, 2008

HONG KONG Tourist Informations – best time to visit Hong kong


HONG KONG tourist informations - best time to visit

Hong kong Tourist Informations. The best time to visit is November to December, temperatures are around 20 degrees celsius; there is not much rain, the sun shines most of the time, and it’s not humid. It’s a wonderful time to visit. February can get quite chilly, there have been a few 9 degree temperatures in the past 2 years in February. But if you are coming from a cold weather country, then it would not be a problem for you!

March starts getting a little warmer again and it starts to become quite humid; there is more rainfall, too. May to August are the wettest months, and also the most humid. Breathing practically becomes unbearable in polluted areas like Central, Causeway Bay, and Mongkok.

July to September is typhoon season, although there have not been any terrible typhoons in the last 3 years.  It can get uncomfortable, though, because the temperature can rise as high as 34 degrees!

October is still warm, but cooler than the summer months, and the cooling trend continues through the end of the year.

hong kong what to wear

hong kong what to wear

Hong Kong: What to Wear

When traveling, it’s often best to pack clothes for layering. Hong Kong is no exception to this, especially since in the hottest times of the year you will often find air conditioning indoors (and on many of the newer ferries) to be cranked up towards freezing. During the wettest times of the year, it can rain almost non-stop for days.

If travelling to Hong Kong in January, pack clothes for rain, sun and cold.  In the wet season, June through August, pack for even more rain. The weather is often unpredictable, so carrying a light jacket, large scarf, and/or long sleeves may be advisable.  The MTR system can be warm, so be prepared to shed or don a layer regularly!

To fit in with the thousands of other tourists on the streets, wear casual trainers and jeans. (Jeans, however, may be a bit uncomfortable during the hottest parts of the year.) During the business day, you will see residents wearing everything from formal business clothing to highly fashionable clothing of all types to casual day-wear. Weekends find more people dressed quite casually, including a lot of flip-flops and shorts.

Ensure you keep your valuables in sight at all times – ideally wear a shoulder bag across your front as the MTR and streets are extremely crowded.

If you are intending to wash clothing out and hang it to dry during your Hong Kong trip, especially during the wet season, remember that it can take up to three days for some fibers to start feeling dry, and even then it will still feel damp to the touch. High-tech fabrics that are specifically made to dry quickly are best for this sort of care in Hong Kong.

You will also sometimes see residents on densely wooded islands such as Lamma wearing fashion-print Wellies (tall rubber boots), which have the added advantage of protecting ankles and calves from snakebite!

Do remember that Hong Kong clothing shops don’t always carry too many sizes over the Asian norm. If you are bigger than these sizes, you may have difficulties finding clothing to fit you, so do pack what you will need. If you find that you do need something in a larger size, larger department stores (such as Marks and Spencers) reliably carry larger sizes for both men and women. Also, be aware that what’s out on the rack may not be what’s in the store — if you need another size than what’s on the rack, don’t be shy: ask a salesperson for your size — many stores have a much bigger range of sizes in their back storerooms.


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